Get a Golf Ball Fitting & Improve Your Game
Chances are, you do not need to play the same ball as Scottie Scheffler. Hate to be the one to tell you this, but he has a much faster and better swing than you. What you need (as well as most average players) is likely a softer ball with more feel and distance.
Put the pride away and play something like a Tour Soft, Tour Response, Velocity, or Chrome Soft.
Golf Equipment Is Expensive
I am well aware how expensive the game is getting – and always has been, really. For most of my golf career, I was a ball hawk who would get excited about emerging from the woods with a ProV1 and just use whatever ball I would find or would be gifted to me for Christmas. I would be ecstatic about not having to buy a dozen golf balls for the whole summer.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with being frugal, especially if your’e a budget-minded golfer or someone who plays maybe 10 rounds or less a year. Play the water logged ball you pulled out with your ball retriever, just know that you are losing both spin and distance with every shot and wondering why your results are inconsistent.
If you want to truly take things seriously or improve your game, you should only be playing one ball or brand of ball at the least and really noticing how it behaves. I am not suggesting or condemning you to buy expensive golf balls for the rest of your life but in order to get true feedback and results, you should be playing a consistent ball from round to round.
You can have the most dialed-in clubs for you but if you’re playing the scuffed ProV1 you found in the woods or the ball you pulled out of the pond, you will still get poor or inconsistent results in your game. And don’t get me started on the “refurbished” golf balls you can find online.
Jail time? 😂
— MYGOLFSPY (@MyGolfSpy) November 6, 2022
Adding to the mile long list of reasons we will never let refinished or refurbished golf balls touch your golf bag. #SayNoToRefurbs
(🎥: @ eric.schneiter on IG) pic.twitter.com/nzamZS2p3j
I used to be the biggest fan of found-golf-ball websites where I could buy a dozen previous-year ProV1s for like $20 that looked brand new. I thought I was getting the best deal on the internet and wondered why more people weren’t doing this. Then I would play those balls and burn through them incredibly fast and just go buy more cheap “found” golf balls.
Playing the Right Ball for You
If you’re wondering which ball you should be playing, go get fit! I truly believe that is the next best step after getting fit for clubs (from someone who knows what they are doing) in order to improve your game. I think ball fittings are only going to get more popular as more data/knowledge comes out.
In terms of things that will improve your golf game, go down this list:
- Practice
- Lessons
- Club Fitting
- Ball Fitting
- More Lessons
- Crushing Beers & Giving Up
Playing the right ball for your game is so important – and can even save you money! I’m talking to you – retiree who has been buying personalized ProV1s for the past 20 years. You have a 70 mph swing and struggle to spin the ball at all – especially around the green. You don’t need to buy the most premium golf ball on the market simply because it’s the most gamed ball on tour. You can’t produce the power/compression needed to get the most out of that golf ball and it’s both hurting your game AND your wallet.
Instead, go get fit for the right ball for you and get the data you need to help your game
Where Can I Get a Ball Fitting?
Unless you have a connection to a teaching pro or someone with expertise, your best bet is to go somewhere like a PGA SuperStore or Golf Galaxy for a ball fitting-specific appointment.
Play Your Ball
Put the pride away and actually help your game. No one cares if you’re playing a TourSoft vs. a ProV1, but I guarantee you’ll care once you see that ball get up high and stop on the green or actually carry the water instead of losing $3.75 and seeing the splash.